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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

The Nexus between Institutional Environment and Academic Performance of Public Secondary Schools in Nyamira County, Kenya
Omweri, F. S
Lecture, Kampala International University, Dept. Public Administration and Development Studies, Western Campus-Uganda
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-39

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The institutional environment, including staff competence, resource use, and school culture, significantly contributes to student failure, as these factors are major macro-environmental factors. The institutional environment can therefore play a positive role in students' academic performance and improvement. This study examined the complex relationship between core competencies, institutional culture, resource utilization, and academic performance in the field of education. The independent variables consisted of core competencies such as teacher experience, in-service training, and teaching methods; institutional culture, which included rules and regulations, mission and vision, and school routines; and resource utilization, which encompassed instructional materials, infrastructure, and compensation. The dependent variable was academic performance, assessed through student academic scores, transition rates, and completion rates. A qualitative approach was utilized, employing desktop analysis of secondary data. The results revealed significant correlations between core competencies, institutional culture, resource utilization, and academic performance. Educators with extensive experience and relevant training, operating within a supportive institutional culture characterized by clear rules and regulations and a compelling mission and vision, were associated with improved student academic scores, higher transition rates, and increased completion rates. Furthermore, proper allocation of resources, including high-quality instructional materials, robust infrastructure, and competitive compensation for educators, positively influenced academic performance outcomes. These findings emphasize the importance of investing in teacher development, cultivating a positive institutional culture, and optimizing resource allocation to enhance academic performance and promote student success. The study recommends targeted interventions to improve core competencies among educators, foster a supportive institutional environment, and prioritize resource allocation to support effective teaching and learning practices. By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions can create an environment conducive to academic excellence and enhance positive student outcomes.


Institutional Environment, Core Competencies, Institutional Culture, Resource Utilization, Academic Performance.

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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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