1Thi Van Anh Nguyen,2Anh Trung Nguyen
1University of Labor and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam
212B1 - Vinschool The Harmony
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-28Google Scholar Download Pdf
In recent years, the development of information technology has had a strong impact on the operation of the global economy. The product of this revolution is Fintech, which combines technology and finance based on technological platforms. Therefore, the application of Fintech in the fields of finance-banking, financial investment, insurance, etc., is an inevitable trend that helps businesses make breakthroughs and enhance their competitiveness. Hence, insurance companies that do not change or are slow to change must accept relinquishing market share to other insurance companies that have adopted information technology. This article focuses on assessing the current situation of Fintech application trends in the insurance sector in Vietnam, thereby proposing solutions to enhance the sustainable application of Fintech in the insurance sector in Vietnam.
KEYWORDS:Fintech, insurance, Vietnam.
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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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