1Kania Dafina, 2Hudi Santoso, 3Vivien Febri Astuti, 4David Rizar Nugroho, 5M. Ghozali Moenawar, 6Ana Kuswanti
1,2,3Digital Communication Media Study Program, Vocational School, IPB University, Indonesia
4Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Pakuan University, Indonesia
5Departement of Communication, University Al-Azhar Indonesia
6Departement of Communication, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
Digital advertising activities include various strategies and tactics carried out online to promote products, services, or brands, such as creating weekly promotional advertisements, influencer marketing, website marketing, interactive content creation, weekly content creation, and e-commerce. The digital advertising activity process implemented by the marketing communications sub-division has different paths. Marketing communications in marketing Bulog products plays an important role from the beginning of the pre-production process to post-production in digital marketing activities. Technical barriers are obstacles that originate from supporting tools in carrying out digital advertising such as the equipment and facilities used. This research aims to analyze the use of digital marketing carried out by Perum BULOG in marketing products effectively. The data collection techniques used were active participation, in-depth interviews, and literature study through journals and e-books. The object of this research is marketing communications activities carried out by the marketing communications sub-division. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative methods and uses AISAS theory. This research found that the implementation of digital marketing communications carried out by Perum BULOG used social media, Instagram and websites, to create content and promote products.
KEYWORDS:Digital, Marketing Communication, Social Media
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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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