Dr. Jonali Sarma
GCC Centre of Management Studies, Gauhati Commerce College, R.G.Barooah Road, Guwahati – 781021, Assam, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-17Google Scholar Download Pdf
An effective teaching and learning process is the key to the dissemination of knowledge. In this age of abundance of information, effective teaching is developmental and dynamic. Teaching learning process is no longer passive in nature, on the other hand, it is very interactive and it is growing continuously as it construct new knowledge and change the beliefs and levels of comprehension of the learners. The New Education Policy (NEP, 2020) emphasises heavily on inclusive learning. Driven by the principles of social justice and democracy, equality and inclusion interventions aim to ensure that background characteristics, and should not impinge on one’s access to and success in higher education (Malish, 2022). In the present age, the creation of an inclusive learning environment can be enabled by the use of modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The ICT supported variety of online learning resources (learning content and learning tools) encompasses the inclusive education in a meaningful way and facilitates the students to create the learning environment that is most appropriate for their personal learning needs and preference. The aim of the study is to analyse the importance and use of Online Resources for teaching learning process.
KEYWORDS:NEP 2020, Teaching Learning, E-learning, Online Learning Resources, ICT
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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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