1M. Tirtana Siregar, 2Amrin Rapi, 3Muhammad Amri Yahya
1,2,3Politeknik APP Jakarta, Jl. Timbul No.34 Ciganjur, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, 12630, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
PT Bahana Unindo Teknik Plant Plastics Injection is a company engaged in manufacturing. In the company's warehouse there is a problem, namely the absence of an integrated goods recording system, this is an obstacle because the recording is still done using stock cards and Microsoft Excel. Recording with this method affects the level of speed in the activity of recording goods in the warehouse, recording time takes an average of 10 minutes depending on the variation in the number of items. The proposal given is an information system for recording goods to support activities in the warehouse. System development is carried out using Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling and creating an information system interface design. The use of an information system for recording goods is expected to shorten the time for recording and provide flexibility in data sharing capabilities in the warehouse of PT Bahana Unindo Teknik Plant Plastics Injection.
KEYWORDS:Recording, Unified Modelling Language, Information System
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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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