• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

The Effect of Sapodilla Leaf Extract (Manilkara Zapota L.P Royen) on IL-1 and TNF- α Expression in Male White Rats Wistar Strain Induced with UVB Light
1Dina Utari Almi, 2Hadi Sarosa, 3Setyo Trisnadi
1Postgraduate student of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Jl Kaligawe KM 4 Semarang 50012
2,3Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Jl Kaligawe KM 4 Semarang 50012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-48

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Excessive UVB exposure causes health problems in humans, the effect on the skin is molecular and cellular changes. Sunburn is the most obvious acute clinical effect, resulting in the production of TNF-α by keratinocytes, IL-1 is a cytokine that influences TNF-α. Skin wounds release various damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) which will activate inflammatory signaling pathways such as NLRP3 inflammasomes and toll-like receptors (TLRs) which cause increased production of inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to examine the anti-inflammatory effect of Manilkara zapota leaf extract which was assessed based on the expression of IL-1 and TNF-α in Wistar rats exposed to UVB. Post-test only control group design experimental research using rats (Rattus norvegicus) as research objects, divided into 4 groups, namely (K1) control rats without treatment, (K2) rats exposed to UVB light then given placebo cream, (K3) rat group exposed to UVB light then given 25% sapodilla leaf extract cream, and (K4) mice were exposed to UVB light then given 50% sapodilla leaf extract cream. The average expression of IL-1 using the One-Way ANOVA test was 0.197 (p0.05), which means there was no significant difference in the average expression of IL-1 between groups. Meanwhile, the average TNF-α expression between groups was 0.036 (p0.05), the results showed that there was a significant difference in the average TNF-α expression between groups, TNF-α expression using the Post Hoc LSD test of sapodilla leaf extract cream 50% dose (K4) reduced TNF-α expression to a lesser extent than K1 or K2. Administration of leaf extract cream (Manilkara zapota) affected the expression of TNF-α, but did not affect the expression of IL-1 in a mouse model experiencing sunburn.


sunburn, Manilkara zapota cream, IL-6, TNF-α

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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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