• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

Cognitive Parameters Influencing Job Satisfaction among School Teachers: A Qualitative Exploration
1Dhani Ram Roy, 2Prof. Dr. Dibyendu Bhattacharyya
1Research Scholar, Department of Education, University of Kalyani, W.B., India
2Department of Education, University of Kalyani, W.B., India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-41

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This research paper presents a qualitative exploration of cognitive parameters influencing job satisfaction among school teachers, with a focus on cognitive practice/cognitive exercise, cognitive activity, cognitive evaluation, cognitive planning, cognitive skill, and cognitive strategy. Job satisfaction is a critical factor in teachers' professional well-being and the quality of education they provide to students. Using a qualitative approach, this study employs interviews and focus group discussions to gather data from a diverse sample of school teachers. By exploring teachers' subjective experiences and perspectives, this research aims to uncover the cognitive parameters that significantly impact their job satisfaction. The findings of this research contribute to the existing knowledge on cognitive parameters influencing job satisfaction among school teachers. They provide valuable insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers to design interventions and strategies that promote positive work environments and enhance teachers' job satisfaction. By prioritizing cognitive aspects, such as effective planning, skill development, and strategic thinking, educators can create supportive environments that empower teachers and positively impact their satisfaction and effectiveness. This qualitative exploration highlights the importance of cognitive parameters in influencing job satisfaction among school teachers. By understanding and addressing these cognitive aspects, educators can foster a positive work environment and promote the well-being and professional growth of teachers. Ultimately, this leads to improved educational outcomes for students and a more fulfilling teaching profession.


Cognitive Factor, Job Satisfaction, School Teachers, Satisfaction, and effectiveness.

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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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