1Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih, 2Ni Luh Made Mahendrawati, 3I Wayan Rideng, 4Dewa Gede Wibhi Girinatha
1,2,3Lecturer in Doctor of Law Program at Warmadewa University
4Candidate Doctoral of Law Warmadewa University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-04Google Scholar Download Pdf
Indonesia is a country that has many tourism provinces, one of which is Bali Island. One of the factors that supports the development of tourism in Bali is local wisdom. The purpose of this study is to determine How the management and utilization of Traditional Village Culture as “local wisdom” to support tourism development in Bali and What are the inhibiting factors in the management and utilization of Traditional Village Culture as “local wisdom” can play a role in supporting tourism development in Bali. This study uses the type of empirical legal research. The researchers found several obstacles that became obstacles, especially related to the availability of land or land that will be used as the location for the construction of tourism facilities and also the community's concern about the transfer of ownership of customary land to investors and the concern about the use of customary land that is not in accordance with local cultural values. that has the potential to damage the environment and the sustainability of Balinese traditions because in reality, Customary Land for the Traditional Village Community in Bali is their identity and identity that has been passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, indigenous peoples who act as guardians of local culture are expected to continue to develop their knowledge by paying attention to contemporary issues that require adaptation to solve the problems at hand. To ensure that the management and utilization of traditional village culture in Bali to support sustainable tourism does not damage the natural beauty and culture of Bali, investment can be focused on the development of environmentally friendly facilities and the implementation of programs to promote cleanliness and environmental conservation. By linking tourism investment with Balinese culture, it will increase its added value because tourists can not only enjoy the natural beauty, but also Balinese culture. This provides a great opportunity for Bali to attract investors and foreign tourists visiting Bali.
KEYWORDS:Local Wisdom, Culture, Traditional Village, Investor, Bali, Tourism.
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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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