Understanding the Characteristics of Corporate Culture in Vietnam via Some Golden Periods in History
Pham Van Thinh
Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the Vietnamese business heritage, there were several golden times during which beneficial elements emerged and became distinct features of company culture. Using the multidisciplinary method of History of Science - Cultural Studies, this article collects and organizes historical documents to sketch a historical and comparative analysis of the value hierarchy and strengths of Vietnamese corporate culture during its golden era. The findings demonstrate that, between the 17th and 18th centuries, unique human and cultural aspects in business activities emerged in the Southern Vietnam region of Vietnam, where merchants and other factors of Corporate culture was quite frequent. In the early years of the 20th century, Vietnam witnessed a business movement aimed at economic revival and cultural development for the noble goal of national revival. Corporate culture in Vietnam has been around for a long time, reflected in the intelligence, creativity, sensitivity, and quick adaptation of Vietnamese corporates and entrepreneurs.
KEYWORDS:Corporate Culture, Development, History, Vietnam
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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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