Pham Van Thinh
Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong, Vietnam
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Population change is a key component of Vietnam's economic development paradigm. However, in each locality, population shifts can be stimulating while also posing hurdles to socioeconomic development programs. This article assesses population changes in Binh Duong province and suggests plans for development and population control. The findings suggest that Binh Duong has a diversified population and is constantly receiving new population classes. Binh Duong's population increased the most rapidly between 1997 and 2023, following a centuries-long steady pace. This is also a time of dramatic demographic change, with the population becoming more multi-ethnic, multi-regional, multinational, and multicultural. Binh Duong's socioeconomic development successes reflect the contributions of all segments of the community, with immigrants playing a significant role. Binh Duong province must develop and implement policies for sustainable population management and development, including the establishment of a population database system linked to economic and social development strategies, the incorporation of population policies into economic, social, and cultural development programs and plans, and the linking of population development and management policies to sustainable population policies.
KEYWORDS:Binh Duong, Changes, Population, Industrialization, Vetnamese
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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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