1Quynh Nhu Vu, 2Minh Hanh Thi Vu, 3Duc Anh Tran
1Student, Faculty of Real Estate and Resources Economics, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2Student, Faculty of Statistics, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
3Student, Facultyt of Business Management, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research investigates the impact of ChatGPT on tourists' trust and travel planning intention, with a focus on international perspectives and the current situation in Vietnam. The study comprises three main sections: Introduction, where the significance of ChatGPT in tourism is highlighted; Literature Review, encompassing an exploration of ChatGPT, its application in tourism, and the influence of trust and intention in utilizing ChatGPT for travel planning; and Current Situation, providing insights into the existing scenario. By examining factors affecting trust and intention in ChatGPT-based travel planning, this research contributes valuable insights for the tourism industry. The study concludes with a synthesis of findings and potential implications for future research and industry practices.
KEYWORDS:ChatGPT, customer behavior, tourism, planning intention
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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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