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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

Power Transfer Capability Enhancement of The Nigerian 330kV Transmission Network with SVC FACTS Controller
1Andikan K. Ekpa, 2Uduak J. Essien, 3Nsikak U. Akpan
1,2,3Department of Electrical/Electronic, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-10

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The lack of installation of generation stations has affected the transmission system of the Nigerian power network as the load demand increases. This has led to increased power losses and power congestion on the lines which has affected the available transfer capacity (ATC) of the power system network. Due to these increasing issues, SVC FACTS controller was utilized in this paper to improve ATC. The ATC of the system without FACTS controller was obtained after modeling the system using the data obtained from NCC osogbo with NEPLAN software. The relationships between the cumulative distances and the ATC values for each line were obtained and the best polynomial order being the seventh order at R-square of 99.08% was optimized with genetic algorithm where the optimal ATC was 74.31MW at summative distance of 954.5km which was on line 8 (Benin TS to Oshogbo TS) with SVC FACTS implemented at Osogbo TS. The introduction of the compensator reduced the reactive power losses by 32%, real power losses by 36% and improved on the ATC by 18%.


FACTS, NEPLAN, power flow, power transfer capability, SVC

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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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