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Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024

Empowering EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension Abilities with Quizwhizzer
1Gais Dia Maharani, 2Arik Susanti
1,2Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-54

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Proficient reading comprehension is a fundamental ability to acquire language acquisition in English language learning. However, the level of reading comprehension among students in Indonesia remains inadequate because of paper-based learning methods. Integrating game-based media in teaching reading comprehension can hold great potential for enhancing reading comprehension. Thus, the study’s objective was to address whether QuizWhizzer, a game-based learning platform, can impact EFL students’ reading comprehension skills. The research employed a quasi-experimental approach, utilizing both experimental and control classes. This research recruited 45 seventh-grade students from a private Junior High School in Surabaya, selected using purposive sampling. They were assigned to the control class, which consisted of 23 students, and the experimental class, which consisted of 22 students. Data were collected through a standardized reading comprehension test consisting of 30 questions. The pre-test and post-test data were analyzed using inferential statistics, specifically an independent sample t-test. The findings indicated that QuizWhizzer successfully enhanced students’ reading skills. It was demonstrated that the post-test average score of the experimental group was 82.45, whereas the control group was 75.52. The 2-tailed significance value was 0.023, below the threshold of 0.05, meaning there was a notable difference in post-test scores between the two classes. Ultimately, utilizing QuizWhizzer media effectively improved students’ reading comprehension abilities significantly. The integrated digital tools that align with learning objectives can positively impact reading comprehension, particularly for students in middle school grades. The interactive and engaging nature of QuizWhizzer could help mitigate some of the challenges associated with digital reading environments. Therefore, it is advised that future researchers pursue this research to examine students’ attitudes regarding learning with QuizWhizzer media.


Education, Reading Comprehension, Descriptive Text, QuizWhizzer, Technology

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