1Dantik Wulan Mahardika, 2Sugiyanto, 3Waluyo, 4Slamet Riyadi
1,2,3,4Faculty of Sport, Sebelas Maret University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-51Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the hop, skip, jump race, and running over hurdle games in physical education. The method used in this study is a literature review. This method was chosen because it is to produce a new theory on the research topic by conducting a study of previous research results based on theories that can be accounted for. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the hop, skip, and jump race and running over hurdle games in physical education on students' physical fitness, physical education teachers can design programs that are more targeted and effective, and more attractive to both male and female students. This is important to create an inclusive learning environment and support the active involvement of all students. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the advantages and disadvantages of the Hop, skip, and jump race and Running Over Hurdle games, both of these games have a significant role in developing children's physical fitness. Hop, skip, and jump race tends to focus more on developing basic motor skills such as coordination, leg muscle strength, and cardiorespiratory endurance. This game is effective for children who need to improve body balance and coordination between eyes and feet. On the other hand, running over hurdle is more effective in improving agility, reaction speed, and skills in controlling body movements when running and jumping over obstacles. Games involving obstacles, such as running over hurdle, tend to have a positive effect on the coordination and reflex abilities needed in many sports activities. However, both hop, skip, jump race and running over hurdle have the potential to develop a healthy competitive attitude in children, because both are usually carried out in the form of a race or competition. This competitive nature, if properly directed, can help students learn about the values of sportsmanship, cooperation, and the importance of hard work.
Keywords:Games, Hop, Skip, Jump Race, Running Over Hurdle, Physical Education
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