1Sri Winarsih, 2Ma’fiyatun Insiyah
1,2State Islamic University Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-39Google Scholar Download Pdf
Performance is an expression of a person's competence based on understanding, attitude and skills, motivation in achieving work. A teacher's performance can basically increase and decrease depending on the teacher performance management process in the institution. While the independent curriculum is a curriculum with intracurricular learning with diverse content so that students can be more optimal and have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competence. Therefore, it is necessary to study teacher performance and the implementation of the independent curriculum in improving the quality of education, one of which is at MAN Banyumas, Central Java Province. This research is a qualitative research that is descriptive and observation, interview and documentation as data collection techniques. The subjects of the research are the Head of MAN Banyumas, Deputy Head of Curriculum, teachers, Committee and students. The results of this study indicate: (1) Improvement of teaching and learning activities in the classroom by using technology media and the implementation of supervision is carried out optimally. (2) Increased knowledge (3) MGMP (4). Increased ability (5) Increased skills (6) Increased self-attitude (7) Teacher certification. The model for improving teacher performance through The Spiritual Motivation in The Learning Organization, based on the assumption of factual conditions at MAN Banyumas, so the model that the researcher put forward contains hypothetical thoughts about teacher performance through learning organizations is expected to be more effective, efficient and productive. The steps taken so that teacher performance and the implementation of the independent curriculum in improving the quality of education are effective and efficient and productive as follows: First, setting teacher performance standards, second, conducting screening , third, determining strategic issues and making plans. Fourth, implementing coaching through a learning organization with six disciplines (The Sixh Discipline). Fifth, evaluating the results of coaching in improving teacher performance. The learning process through single loop or double loop and having an impact on accelerating change in the organization is called the cybernetic quantum learning cycle. A cycle of correction and identification of learning systems both individually and in groups as feedback to make continuous improvements. The role of the visionary head of MAN Banyumas and a conducive organizational culture, qualified human resources and a good learning culture greatly determine teacher performance and the implementation of the independent curriculum in improving the quality of education through The Spiritual Motivation in The Learning Organization. In addition, teachers also master and are able to optimally implement four competencies at MAN Banyumas, namely pedagogical competency, professional competency, personality competency and social competency.
KEYWORDS:Performance, Teachers, Independent Curriculum, Education Quality.
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