1Chakimah Anis Mawadati, 2Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan
1,2Faculty of Sports and Health, Yogyakarta State Univesity
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
Mastery of basic skills must be possessed to achieve performance, including on Petanque. This research is held to analyze skills of Petanque in Sleman regency. The research is a quantitative research that describes research results found. Data collecting technique is held in some steps, they are preparation of instruments for shooting and pointing, and the second step is collecting data in the field by using observation and taking notes of results reached by the samples. Samples of the research are the 18 Petanque athletes in Sleman regency which are elected by using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis technique in the research is frequency descriptive analysis technique using 5 categorizations. The result of data analysis shows that pointing skill is 29.61, and shooting skill is 24.28. Based on the result of data analysis, we can conclude that basic skills of Petanque in Sleman regency is fair for pointing and poor for shooting. The research result can be used for evaluation to the committees, coaches, and the athletes in applying appropriate approaches and methods of practice in order to achieve better achievement.
KEYWORDS:petanque, shooting skills, pointing skills.
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Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024

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