• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024

The Right to Freedom: Nepal's Journey through History
Bishnu Prasad Khanal
Associate Professor, Central Department of History, T.U., Kirtipur, Nepal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-27

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This article studies and reviews the historical evolution of the right to freedom in Nepal. It explores the key political events and constitutional developments that have contributed to the formation of the right to freedom in the country. The article tries to delve into topics such as the autocratic Rana rule, the abolishment of slavery, and sati practices. Furthermore, revolutions against Rana regimes such as anti-Rana movements, the rise and fall of the Panchayat system, and the Maoist insurgency are also discussed. The study also examines Nepal’s constitutional history, from early efforts in the 1950s to the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal 2072 which shines light on the right to freedom for Nepali citizens. The study aims to review the historical records, laws, and movements regarding civil liberties and human rights to understand the changes in Nepal's legal and social construct in the twenty-first century.


Right to Freedom, Human Rights, Constitution of Nepal, Rana Regime, Panchayat System

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Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024

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