1Shevia Az-Zahra Mullachelasari, 2Ari Kusmiatun, 3Hartono
1,2,3Yogyakarta State University & Yogyakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-17Google Scholar Download Pdf
Culture has a core position and role in human life. This study aims to analyze the representation of Javanese culture through the character Jeng Yah in the novel Gadis Kretek by Ratih Kumala. The novel portrays the lives of Javanese people with traditional values such as politeness, local wisdom, strong spirituality, and the dilemma of preserving tradition. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with data collected through reading and note-taking. The data collection procedure in this study follows the model developed by Miles and Huberman: (1) data collection, (2) selection to focus and refine the information, and (3) conclusion drawing. The study examines how the character Jeng Yah reflects social norms, communication ethics, and roles within Javanese culture. The results reveal that Jeng Yah not only represents Javanese women who uphold customs and manners but also shows an adaptation to social changes without losing her cultural identity. These findings illustrate that Javanese culture in this novel remains relevant and continues to evolve amidst modernization challenges while maintaining values that shape societal life. This journal is expected to provide new insights into how literature can play a role in reflecting and preserving local cultural values in the era of globalization.
KEYWORDS:representation, Javanese culture, novel
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Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024

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