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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

Sustainable Oyster Mushroom Livelihood Development Project for Rural Communities of Ilocos Sur
Mary Ruth O. Menor
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-48

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This research was conducted to determine the contributions of the stakeholders of oyster mushroom livelihood project particularly on their participation on technical services and adequacy/availability of financial services; to determine the challenges encountered in terms of knowledge, willingness, attitude and policy implementation; and develop a framework that can help to address sustainability of the mushroom livelihood project. Four municipalities in Ilocos Sur Province were selected as research site using an inclusion criteria. A constructed survey questionnaire and an interview guide were used to gather data which were collated and interpreted using the point scale, range of values, and descriptive equivalent. As prevailed in the research study, there is high participation on the technical support of the LGU in all activities of the mushroom livelihood project. However, the mushroom growers consistently claimed a low to moderate participation of LGUs on the support to development initiatives of the mushroom livelihood project and formalizing involvement of funding agencies and other stakeholders through a MOA. On the area of financial support, LGUs provided highly available/adequate support according to them but mushroom growers mentioned they received moderately available/adequate financial support. On the knowledge, willingness, and attitude of mushroom growers, there were no challenges encountered. This suggests that they have already the knowledge and capabilities of producing and managing their mushroom livelihood. They just needed enhancement in order to prove more about the technology and its management. On the policy implementation, the LGUs have encountered varied challenges in the area of technical policies, but overall, the LGUs and the mushroom growers revealed that they encountered very serious challenges. On the financial policies aspect, the LGUs encountered a very serious challenge, specifically on the allocation of funds for monitoring activities. Overall, a low to moderate participation of LGUs on their technical support, a moderately available/adequate financial support, and challenged with the problem on policy implementation prevailed based from the result of the study, hence, the sustainability mechanism and development framework on oyster mushroom livelihood development project is hereby recommended to help achieve sustainable rural community development through participation and empowerment of the stakeholders.

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