1Asridayani, 2I Ketut Artawa, 3I Nyoman Udayana, 4Ketut Widya Purnawati
1,2,3,4Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Program Doktor Ilmu Linguistik Universitas Udayana, Denpasar-Bali
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
The aim of the research is to describe the argument structure of intransitive verbs in Toba Batak language (TBL) Aek Kanopan dialect based on grammatical typology analysis. Data collections are gathered by applying conversational and listening method. Meanwhile, the main technique in collecting the data is elicitation technique, which is continued by several techniques, i.e. recording technique and taking note. The data is analyzed by distributional method as suggested by Sudaryanto (2015) and Mahsun (2011). With the use of the oral and written data, as well as the observation method, the analyzing data is done by using substitutional method, translational method, and referential method. The results of the analysis are provided by formal and informal methods. The result of this research shows that the argument structure of intransitive verbs in Toba Batak Language, Aek Kanopan dialect is that intransitive verbs can be divided into two types, namely verbs involving experiencer verbs and action verbs. Both types of verbs require only one argument, the subject, which grammatically functions as the only argument in the sentence. Semantically, the subject can act as an agent who performs an action or as an experiencer who experiences a state or feeling. Then, typologically of grammatical, the argument structure of intransitive verb in TBL Aek Kanopan dialect involved as an accusative-type language.
KEYWORDS:Argument Structure, Verb predicates, Intransitive verbs, Toba Batak Language, Aek Kanopan
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