1Iriana Famuji Widodo, 2Suwarnda, 3Venny Indria Ekowati
1,2Master of Javanese Language Education Study Program, FBSB, UNY, Indonesia
3Undergraduate of Javanese Language Education Study Program, FBSB, UNY, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to develop and evaluate PISA based assessment tools for Javanese language learning grade VIII. This research used the research and development (RD) method with the ADDIE model including the stages of analysis, design, development, validation and testing, and media evaluation. PISA-based standard media for evaluating Javanese language learning were developed using the WordPress application and evaluated by a material expert, a media expert, and teachers of Javanese language. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that the quality of the assessment media was highly rated by material experts (87.90%), media experts (100%) and Javanese language teachers (100%). Students' opinions on the Javanese language assessment tool were also very positive (85.76%). Overall, the average rating of media quality was 93.42% categorized as Very Good. This research makes a significant contribution to the development of PISA-based evaluation media for Javanese language learning.
KEYWORDS:PISA, Assessment Instruments, Javanese, Learning, ADDIE
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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

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