1Aprisal, 2Teguh Haria Aditya, 3Resin
1Soil Science Department Agriculture faculty, Andalas University
2Forestry Faculty Muhamadya University
3Student of Chemistry Masters Andalas University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
Intensive use of land for agricultural businesses causes the land to become very dynamic and causes a decrease in soil quality for producing biomass. This research aims to determine environmental conditions (level of damage to land and soil for biomass production) and the factors that cause soil damage in Payahkumbuh City. Land surveys were carried out using the research method in five sub-districts. Samples taken in the field are disturbed soil samples for analysis of physical properties (texture, BV, TRP, and permeability). In contrast, disturbed soil samples are used to analyze chemical soil properties (c.organic, pH, DLH, Redok). Apart from that, he also observed environmental conditions such as rocks on the surface and the depth of the soil. Next, the soil samples are explained in the soil laboratory of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources. Data from soil physical and chemical property variables are processed, averaged, and compared with soil health standards following PP No. 150 of 2000. The research results show that the results of land identification and verification show that the land in the five sub-districts of Payakumbuh City in the research area has a Light Damage Status (RI) covering an area of 2391.65 ha and Moderate Damage (RII) covering an area of 1856.76 ha. From 10 observation points, the land in the research area has two levels of soil damage: moderate and light. Soil damage is caused by limiting factors. In moderate damage status, the limiting factors are (RII-vpre), namely soil porosity, degree of air escape, redox reactions, and electrical conductivity. Meanwhile, the limiting factors in soil with mild damage are (RI-vre) soil porosity, redox reactions, and electrical conductivity.
KEYWORDS:soil degradation, biomass, soil properties, damage
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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

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