1Lobna Abdalla Elfrgani, 2Ghazala Othman Ali Elfeitouri, 3Mona Adnan Elkhattib, 3Mona Moftah Alabbar, 3Salha Abdullah Alobidy, 3Sally Ali khalaf, 1Abeer H. Amer
1Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Benghazi
2Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Benghazi
3Cytotechnology Department, Faculty of Biomedical sciences, University of Benghazi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-25Google Scholar Download Pdf
Thyroid nodules constitute a common endocrine disorder, these nodules could be solitary, multiple, cystic, or solid. Increasing age, female gender, iodine deficiency, and history of thyroid radiation all are high risk for thyroid nodules. FNAC representing the most cost-effective diagnostic tool used in the assessment of nodules of the thyroid.
Objective of the study:
The aim of this study is to evaluate the result of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and assess thyroid status using of thyroid hormone obtained from patients with thyroid nodules.
Materials and methods:
this is a retrospective study, includes collection of data from available cases of thyroid nodules underwent fine needle aspiration between 2021 to 2023, data regarding age, sex, TFT, USS, FNAC was collected from the archive of endocrine out patients clinic of Benghazi Medical Center and from endocrine clinic of Benghazi diabetic center. The analysis was done using the SPSS program.
A total of 60 cases were studied, Data was collected from 60 patient’s files for years between 2021 and 2023. The mean age of the patients with FNAC selected for this study was 49.65, and ranged from 21-80 years. The gender distribution shows female predominance in which female cases were 53 (98.33%) while only one case (1.67%) was reported among men. The size of nodules in our cases range from 1cm to 4.5 cm. The mean size of nodules is 1.89cm. In this study the largest group of nodules located in right lobe (21) cases then left lobe (20) cases then both (17) cases and in isthmus only 2 cases. Most of the cases thyroid function test result shows an euthyroid status (38) cases. FNAC of thyroid nodule showed that most of patient’s result diagnosed as benign nodules (47) cases.
FNAC is a key tool in diagnosis of thyroid nodule as it has safe, minimally invasive and cost effective diagnostic role.
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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

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