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  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

Beyond the Schools: How Parental Involvement Affects the Academic Performance of Nepali Public School Students?
1Padam Poudel, 2Dhanapati Subedi, 3Niroj Dahal
1,2,3Kathmandu University School of Education, Lalitpur, Nepal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-19

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Parental involvement is crucial for achieving academic excellence and fostering personal development in contemporary educational institutions. Involving parents in their children's education promotes cognitive and interpersonal growth and improves academic achievements. The involvement of parents in their children's education in Nepali public schools is the focus of this qualitative case study. Adopting social capital theories, this study explores engagement through interviews, documentation, and observations at a single school with four selected participants. Evidence indicates that active parental involvement has a substantial positive impact on student's academic achievement and acquisition of knowledge. The following are important ways parents can become more involved: a) enhancing children's education through SMC and PTA activities; b) fortifying the parent-teacher bond; c) boosting the home environment in comprehensive education; and d) enhancing school governance and management. The study emphasizes the necessity of implementing a comprehensive framework for parental involvement that supports decentralized management and encourages innovative adaptability. The network cooperation between schools, teachers, and parents is critical. Promoting parental involvement and cultivating connections among parents is essential for improving the educational atmosphere and ensuring academic excellence in public schools.


parental involvement, public school, school performance, student performance

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