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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

Visual Pollution: Causes, Health Impacts, And Mitigation Strategies for Enhancing Environmental Aesthetics and Public Well-Being – A Review
1Najmaldin Ezaldin Hassan, 2Sonia Khalil
1College of Engineering, Civil and Environment Department, University of Zakho, Kurdistan region, Iraq
2City, University of London, United Kingdom
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-11

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This review paper examines visual pollution, its causes, and impacts on human health and well-being, defined as unattractive and disruptive visual elements in the environment that degrade aesthetic quality. It explores sources such as billboards, litter, industrial structures, and poorly planned urban development. The paper discusses how rapid urbanization, industrialization, and excessive advertising exacerbate visual clutter, particularly in urban areas. The impacts of visual pollution on health are significant, including increased stress, anxiety, and diminished quality of life. Vulnerable populations, such as lower-income communities, children, and the elderly, face heightened risks due to greater exposure. The review highlights disparities in exposure and health outcomes, emphasizing that the cumulative effects of visual pollution and socio-economic disadvantages intensify its negative impact. The paper also evaluates strategies for mitigation, including urban planning measures like green spaces and zoning regulations, as well as regulatory approaches to manage outdoor advertising and waste. By addressing visual pollution through comprehensive planning and regulation, the paper aims to inform policies that enhance environmental aesthetics and improve public well-being.


Visual pollution; Health impacts; Public well-being; Mitigation strategies; urban planning; Green spaces

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