1Nurul Kemala Dewi, 2Hartono, 3Syakir
1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education – Mataram University - Indonesia
2,3Postgraduate of Semarang State University – Semarang - Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-01Google Scholar Download Pdf
The pottery of banyumulek Lombok has existed since ancient times, dating back to the Sasak kingdom, and continues to the present day. This study aims to analyze the transformation of form and function in Banyumulek Lombok pottery. Qualitative research uses data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The pottery samples were collected purposively. The data analysis method uses the Miles and Huberman model, which involves data reduction, display, and conclusion drawing. The research findings show hat before 1988, the appearance of Banyumulek Lombok pottery needed to be more varied and was used solely for daily household purposes. After 1988, variations on form began emerge, and today, there are numerous forms with various creative designs.
KEYWORDS:Transformation, Form, Function, Pottery, Banyumulek Village
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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

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