1M. Khomasuridze, 2N..Kutsiava, 3S. Tamazashvili, 4N. Tektumanashvili, 5A. Chutlashvili
1Academic Doctor of Technical Sciences. Enologist, professor, affiliated with Georgian Technical University. Department of Viticulture and Enology.
2Academic Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor, affiliated with Georgian Technical University. Head of Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.
3Director of the Georgian Wine Guild.
4Quality assurance manager of the Georgian Wine Guild.
5Master of Viticulture and Enology, Enologist-consultant of the Georgian Wine Guild.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i10-47Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research examined the quality of Georgian Amber Kvevri wines produced in the last three years via sensory evaluation and identified common defects in Kvevri amber wines. The Georgian Wine Guild organized 32 tasting sessions, assessing 1,440 amber wines sourced from 149 cellars. Only 30.76% of the wines evaluated were free from faults. High levels of ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, and volatile acids characterized the majority of faulty wines. Researchers collaborated with 18 local wineries to conduct a field study, revealing that errors in cellar planning, design, and winemaking contributed to defects in Kvevri Amber Wines. The identified mistakes comprised placing kvevries in close proximity, failing to adequately wash and sanitize the cellar, neglecting the use of sulfur dioxide and inert gases, fermenting wines at elevated temperatures, and excessively maturing wines with lees and solid grape components. Based on the obtained results, the study team developed a novel technique that integrates traditional and modern methods for the production of amber wine. The team implemented the traditional liming method for the installation of new wines, produced trial wines utilizing innovative approaches, and created control wines through the conventional method. Trial and control samples were prepared from Georgian endemic grape varieties Rqatsiteli, Kisi, and Khikhvi, which are typically employed in the production of kvevri amber wine. The accredited Wine Laboratory conducted the chemical analyses. The results indicated that the trial wine had three times lower levels of acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, and volatile acids compared to the control samples. The study emphasizes the significance of reinstating authentic traditional Kvevri winemaking methods alongside contemporary practices. The research indicates that the application of the new technique enables winemakers to improve the sensory attributes of their wines and diminish off-flavors.
Kvevri Wine, Georgian Wine History.
JEL Classification Code-L66
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Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024

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