Maya S. Bugtaquen
Sto. Rosario Elementary School
Sto. Rosario, Sigay, Ilocos Sur
Galimuyod-Sigay-G. del Pilar District, Division of Ilocos Sur
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The study aims to improve the Ilocano phonological awareness of kindergarten learners in Sto. Rosario Elementary School, Sigay, Ilocos Sur, using indigenized reading materials. The result shows a significant positive impact on learners' skills in Ilocano phonological awareness, as demonstrated by the scores from the post-test. A paired samples t-test confirmed that the difference between pre-test and post-test means was statistically significant, demonstrating the effectiveness of the intervention. The increase in the mean posttest score further supports that learners have improved significantly in all factors of phonological awareness. These outcomes explain why indigenized reading material and environmental print are incorporated into early childhood education. The materials provided a culturally familiar context that added meaning to what had been learned and further directed learners' attention toward phonemic patterns through visual word forms.
KEYWORDS:Culturally Relevant Context, Ilocano Phonological Awareness,Indigenized Reading Materials, Phonological Awareness
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Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024

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