1Hennie Joy M. Maldo, 2Richard M. Oco
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i10-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
Learners’ conduct may be taken from several factors which may be the cause for their educational achievement. This study aimed to determine the level of learners’ conduct and educational achievement. This also determined the relationship between the learners’ conduct and educational achievement. The respondents of this study were the teachers (n=105) from the selected schools in the Division of Cagayan de Oro City. This study used descriptive correlational research design with documentary analysis and utilized an adapted and modified survey questionnaire as its instrument to gather the data from respondents. Statistical tools like frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were used to find out the relationships between the variables. Results showed that the learners’ conduct was at moderate level on which family has the highest mean score while teacher has the lowest mean score. Learners’ educational achievement was at a satisfactory level. Learners’ conduct was negatively correlated with educational achievement. Though negatively correlated but it can be concluded that family plays an important role in molding learners’ conduct. Thus, the school may hold parenting seminars to remind parents of the importance of family in developing the learners’ conduct. If learners have desirable conduct, they would have good study habits that would improve their educational achievement.
KEYWORDS:Educational Achievement, Family Factor, Learners’ Conduct
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