Universitas Islam Syech-Yusuf Tangerang
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This study aims to analyze the role of leadership in improving employee competency at PT. Surya Toto Indonesia, Tbk. Serpong Unit, South Tangerang City. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method at PT. Surya Toto Indonesia, Tbk. Serpong Unit to explore the role of leadership in improving employee competency through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. Data were collected, analyzed with data reduction, and presented in narrative form and a conceptual model to understand the relationship between leadership and employee competency development. Data validity and reliability were guaranteed through triangulation and member checks, ensuring strong and accurate conclusions regarding the contribution of leaders to HR development. The results of this work show that leadership plays an important role in improving employee competency at PT. Surya Toto Indonesia, Tbk., but challenges such as lack of training, non-innovative leadership styles, poor communication, and minimal appreciation are major obstacles. Transactional leadership styles that focus on short-term results hinder employee development as a whole. To remain competitive, companies must adopt transformational leadership and provide full support for employee competency development through ongoing training. Competent employees will be better prepared to face industry changes and drive company growth.
KEYWORDS:Employee Competence, Leadership Role, PT. Surya Toto Indonesia
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Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024

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