1Ryan Nugraha, 2Mokhamad Natsir, 3Bambang Supriadi
1Postgraduate Program, Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia 2,3Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i10-13Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research focuses on purchase decision and all of the factor that affected, including social media, brand image, service quality, and purchase intention. Therefore, this research analyze and explore social media effect, brand image and service quality, to know the role of purchase intention as mediation at INSPIRED27 Distro in Malang City. The research using descriptive approach with 113 respondents chosen by simple random sampling method. The data explain with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) procedure. The results are: 1) social media and brand image significantly influence purchase intention, 2) service quality have positive but not significant towards purchase intention, 3) media social significantly and positively influence purchase decision, meanwhile 4) brand image and service quality have positive but not significant towards purchase decision, 5) purchase intention significantly and positively influence purchase decision, 6) media social and brand image have positive and significant effect towards purchase decision through purchase intention, and last, 7) service quality have positive effect, but not significant towards purchase decision through purchase intention.
KEYWORDS:Social Media, Brand Image, Service Quality, Purchase Decision, Purchase Intention
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