1Ridho Halasan Falintin Sitorus, 2Marthinus Masriat, 3Anny Retnowati
1,2Students Of Magister Of Law Program, Faculty Of Law, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Lecturer of Faculty of Law, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research examines the role and complex relationship between the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and its Supervisory Board, with a focus on the Supervisory Board's function as a supervisor of accountability and integrity. The KPK Supervisory Board, which is known for its vigorous anti-corruption initiatives, has institutional control over the organization. This study examines how this supervision impacts the effectiveness of the Corruption Eradication Committee and considers whether the Supervisory Board supports efforts to eradicate corruption or is actually an obstacle to efforts to eradicate corruption. The history of the development of the KPK, the formation and duties of the Supervisory Board, as well as the legislative structure that regulates its affairs, are all included in the examination. In addition, this research also evaluates specific cases where the Supervisory Board's actions influenced the direction of KPK investigations and activities. This research takes a balanced approach, respecting the value of accountability systems but also considering any weaknesses resulting from overly burdensome supervision. The role of the Supervisory Board in preventing abuse of power, harmony between autonomy and accountability, and the impact of the Supervisory Board's decisions on the effectiveness and morale of the Corruption Eradication Commission are some of the main themes raised. Through critical analysis of these elements, this research adds a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between the Corruption Eradication Commission and its Supervisory Board and sheds light on the broader discussion in Indonesia regarding institutional checks and balances and anti-corruption initiatives.
KEYWORDS:Supervisory Board, Corruption Eradication Commission, Corruption, Watcher of the watcher
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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