1Yulia Citra, 2Soni Nopembri, 3Stefanus Prasetyo Yudi Susanto
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, DIY, 55281, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to find out: (1) Evaluate the context of elementary learning tools at Yogyakarta State Special Schools, (2) Evaluate the input of elementary school infrastructure facilities at Yogyakarta State Special Schools, (3) Evaluate the process of implementing elementary school learning based on the independent curriculum at Yogykarta State Special Schools, (4) Evaluate the assessment product for corner learning outcomes at Yogyakarta State Special Schools. This research is an evaluation research with a qualitative approach based on CIPP. The research was carried out at SLB N 1 Bantul. Data analysis uses the best data analysis carried out from the start of the research (ongoing). The results of the research show: (1) The results of the context evaluation including corner learning tools show that the learning tools in the four Yogyakarta state special schools fall into the category of quite good and good implementers of and realizing learning achievement tools, the flow of learning objectives and teaching modules that are determined based on independent rounds. . (2) The results of evaluation input including teacher and student facilities and infrastructure show that SLB N 1 Yogyakarta and SLB N 2 Bantul are in the sufficient category to complete corner learning facilities and infrastructure based on the independent curriculum. and for SLB N 1 Bantul and SLB N Pembina Yogyakarta it has been included in the good category through the results of observations, interviews and documentation of existing resource persons in completing the corner learning process based on the independent curriculum. (3) The results of the evaluation process include the teacher's implementation of elementary learning based on the independent curriculum with teaching tools that have been created in accordance with the independent program curriculum and delivered well, effectively and efficiently to students. This category means that the implementation or flow of the representation of the corner learning process starting from the introductory, core and closing activities has been carried out well between the teacher and students. (4) The product evaluation results include student learning outcomes which show the performance of assessments carried out in a formative and summative manner on students with special needs during elementary school learning based on the independent curriculum and are said to be good even though the documentary evidence from the four special schools is only one school that provides summative assessment documents to researcher. Apart from that, everything was quite good and students listened to the material and direct assessments in the field from teacher to student.
KEYWORDS:Independent Curriculum, PJOK Learning, State SLB.
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
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