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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

Practices and Readiness of Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao Education Graduates in Licensure Examination: Basis for Action Plan Examination for Teachers
Edward Francis G. Gabor
College of Education
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-44

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Belen et al. (2018) states that LET is the only measure and standard determinant to consider the readiness of BEED and BSED graduates to practice teaching. This study focuses on the practices and readiness of Education Graduates of PNC in taking LET. A quantitative research design is explicitly used, the descriptive-correlational, to identify the relationship between practices and readiness of the chosen respondents through purposive sampling. The results revealed that the most common practice of the graduates is self-review. Results also highlighted that even though the learning of Batch 2022 graduates has been compromised by the pandemic and transitioned to online learning, they have a good level of content knowledge. There is a significant relationship between the practices and readiness of the graduates to take the LET. Theresearcher concludes that the majority of the graduates are working while waiting for the LET, and they are about to take the LET at in soonest possible time. In preparation for the examination, most graduates reviewed at home rather than in review centersdue to lack of financial sustainability. Conversely, the graduates are resourceful in looking for ways to pay the necessary requirements in taking LET. The following recommendations are offered for related research in the field of students' and graduates' preparation for licensure examination. There should be a free LET Review offered by the school and LGU, quality review towards review centers, curriculum review of Education courses. Lastly, to create an Action Plan Examination for Teachersto address the gap of this research.


practices, readiness, LET, licensure examination for teachers,


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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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