1Halimah Sandra Widianti, 2Mas Wahyu Wibowo
1,2Universitas Mercu Buana, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-42Google Scholar Download Pdf
Along with the development of the internet, it has now developed and is used in various fields, including the online business sector. This shows that consumers can access more than one channel both offline and online in the shopping process, this behavior can lead to Webrooming Intention behavior. The purpose of this research is to see and analyze the influence of Perceived Usefulness of Online Search, Perceived Ease of Online Search, and Sales Staff Assistance on Webrooming Intention. The number of respondents in this study was 226 people. The data analysis method in this research uses Smart PLS. The results of the research show that Perceived Usefulness of Online Search has a positive and significant effect on Webrooming Intention, Perceived Ease of Online Search has a positive and significant effect on Webrooming Intention and Sales Staff Assistance has a positive and significant effect on Webrooming Intention.
KEYWORDS:Webrooming Intention, Perceived Usefulness of Online Search, Perceived Ease of Online Search, Sales Staff Assistance
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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