Ana Caresse V. Acosta
Laguna College of Business and Arts
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The main thrust of this study was to determine the level of manifestation of autonomous learning process in relation to the level of English language autonomy of Grade 10 learners in Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School and to be assured that autonomous learning process and language autonomy is successfully implemented and developed most especially among the public school. The action plan for implementing autonomous learning process and improving the level of language autonomy was the output of the study.This study followed the descriptive-correlational method design. Through simple random sampling, the respondents were the 250 Grade 10 learners randomly picked from different sections. Validated researcher-made survey instruments were used for gathering of data. Using four-point Likert Scale and the simple mean, and Pearson-r correlation coefficient, findings revealed that autonomous learning process was highly manifested among Grade 10 learners and the learners’ level of language autonomy was also highly manifested. As regards the relationship between the manifestation of autonomous learning process and language autonomy, the result indicated a significant relationship.
KEYWORDS:autonomous learning process, English language autonomy, modular distance learning
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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