1Jaime P. Pulumbarit, 2Catherine B. Pulumbarit, 3Lena Canet
1,2,3Bulacan State University Hagonoy Campus, Iba, Hagonoy Bulacan Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
Numerous challenges have arisen during this time, including issues with connectivity and access to online materials. Educational psychology can provide valuable insights to sustain education during periods of school closures, such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the effectiveness of online learning has been a topic of discussion, as face-to-face instruction cannot be replicated entirely online. Tackling poverty in education at the elementary level requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the social, economic, and educational needs of disadvantaged students and their families. Students from these backgrounds may face academic struggles and find it difficult to keep pace with their peers. The current study, which is descriptive in nature, suggests a significant decline in the average competency scores of fifth-grade students in reading and numeracy. These findings supplement previous research on the development of individual competency, which revealed a greater reduction in competency levels during the initial wave of the pandemic
KEYWORDS:Learning Competencies, COVID - 19, Reading Speed, Numeracy
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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