1Hudi Santoso, 2Wahyu Budi Priatna, 3Abung Supama Wijaya, 4David Rizar Nugroho
1,2,3Digital Communication and Media Study Program, Vocational School, IPB University
4Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Pakuan University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research explores the positive impact of digital marketing communication strategies on the resilience and competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Pesudukuh Village, a tourist village in Nganjuk Regency, East Java. The study focuses on the development of digital self-reliance. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive approach, the research delves into how MSMEs effectively leverage digital technology to navigate market volatility and expand their market reach. The findings indicate that MSMEs adopting digital technology not only strengthen their resilience against external disruptions but also enhance their competitive positions in the global market. Investments in digital infrastructure, improved digital literacy among MSME stakeholders, and the implementation of marketing strategies emphasizing the cultural narrative of the village have proven successful in boosting the attractiveness of Pesudukuh Village as a tourist destination. These research outcomes offer strategic insights for policymakers and business practitioners to support a sustainable MSME ecosystem. Furthermore, the study advocates for the integration of local cultural values into the digital economy and the development of the creative economy in Indonesia. Consequently, the research contributes significantly to fostering the growth and sustainability of MSMEs, reinforcing the role of Pesudukuh Village as a success model that effectively combines local traditions with digital innovation.In conclusion, the research underscores the importance of embracing digital marketing communication strategies as a means to empower MSMEs, enhance their resilience, and propel them onto the global stage. By promoting the integration of digital technologies and cultural values, this study advocates for a holistic approach to economic development that ensures the continued success of MSMEs in the evolving landscape of the digital economy.
KEYWORDS:Digital marketing communication strategies, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Resilience
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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