1Heru Subrata, 2Putri Rachmadiyanti, 3Delia Indrawati, 4Zainal Abidin
1,2,3,4Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research was conducted to explore the application of pedagogical content technology (TPCK) knowledge and the appropriate strategies used. This research aims to investigate the incorporation of technology and Javanese teaching in academic settings further. The quantitative research methodology covers Javanese educators and students in elementary schools throughout East Java. Data were collected through Google Forms and evaluated on the use of technology and educational techniques in acquiring Javanese. The research also highlights the beneficial influence of technology on Javanese language teaching. This research has identified several effective methods to incorporate technology into Javanese language education, such as the development of tailor-made applications and software to facilitate language learning, the use of digital resources such as video, audio, and images related to Javanese culture, and the implementation of collaborative lessons through online platforms. However, this study also reveals obstacles to implementing TPCK in Javanese language education, including limited technological devices, low-quality internet connections, insufficient guidance and support for teachers in TPCK development, and excess curriculum that hinders the potential of technology to improve language learning. The use of TPCK in Javanese education has contributed significantly to this research. It is essential to design more effective teaching materials for Javanese language teachers as they integrate technology into their teaching. Furthermore, the results of this research can also be used to develop better systems and policies that support the use of technology in Javanese language education in the Java region and Javanese communities outside the region.
KEYWORDS:TPCK, Javanese language learning, elementary school.
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