1Widyastuti Widyastuti, 2Yessy Artanti, 3Yuyun Isbanah, 4Rasyidi Faiz Akbar
1,2,3,4Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-25Google Scholar Download Pdf
Kapas District is east of Bojonegoro District, the entrance to Bojonegoro City. Kapas District has several MSMEs that produce various products, including dry food, crafts, drinks and traditional cakes. Like MSMEs in general, MSMEs in the Kapas District area face different obstacles related to technology adoption, marketing, and capital. The community service program aims to solve problems faced by partners and focuses on halal certification training and preparing simple financial reports. In the halal certification training, knowledge will be provided regarding the importance of halal certification for consumers. A halal logo on the packaging shows that the traditional cake product is free from non-halal ingredients and is safe for consumption. Meanwhile, for training in preparing simple financial reports, participants will receive material on preparing financial reports quickly. The results of community service activities show that the participants understand the importance of the halal logo on the packaging. Still, some participants need to learn the procedures for obtaining halal certification. Participants also understand that compiling simple financial reports can help the business run well.
KEYWORDS:halal certification, MSMEs, financial reports
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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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