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  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

Correlation of Problem Based Learning Model and Discovery Learning Model with the Development of Creativity and Motivation of Students
1Jaka Sayidina Ali, 2Aris Fajar Pambudi, 3Stefanus Prasetyo Yudi Susanto
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, DIY, 55281, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-21

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This study aims to determine the correlation of Problem-Based Learning Model and Discovery Learning Model with students' creativity and learning motivation. This research uses a quantitative approach of correlation type. . The sample in this study used purposive sampling, namely grade 6 with a total of 40 students, consisting of 19 students at SD Negeri Awu Awu and 21 students at SD Negeri Wingkoharjo. Data collection using observation sheets and questionnaire statements. Data analysis in this study used Product moment Correlation Test and t-Independent Test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant correlation between the application of the Problem-Based Learning learning model and the learning creativity of students at SD Negeri Awu Awu with a pearson correlation value = 0.660 and a p-value (sig-2tailed) of 0.002. There is a significant correlation between the application of the Problem-Based Learning learning model and student learning motivation at SD Negeri Awu Awu with a pearson correlation value = 0.834 and a p-value (sig-2tailed) of 0.000. There is a significant correlation between the application of the Discovery Learning learning model and students' learning creativity at SD Negeri Wingkoharjo with a pearson correlation value = 0.660 and a p-value (sig-2tailed) of 0.001. There is a significant correlation between the application of the Discovery Learning learning model and student learning motivation at SD Negeri Wingkoharjo with a pearson correlation value = 0.501 and a p-value (sig-2tailed) of 0.021. There is no significant difference between creativity and motivation of students in the application of both learning models with a significance value of 0.064 for learning creativity and with a significance value of 0.477 for learning motivation.


Problem-based Learning, Discovery Learning, Learning Creativity, Learning Motivation

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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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