• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

Survey on the Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure and Active Participation of Physical Education, Sports and Health Teachers in Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) on Their Performance and Professional Competence at Junior High Schools in Sorong City
1La Robi, 2Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto, 3Abdul Alim, 4Delano Wisnu, 5Wahyu Dwi Yulianto
1,2,3,4,5Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-71

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This study aims to obtain an overview of the availability of facilities and infrastructure and the active participation of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers in Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) on their performance and competence at Junior High Schools in Sorong City. This qualitative descriptive research is quantified. The population of this research was 30 Physical Education, Sports and Health teachers at Junior High Schools teachers in Sorong City. The sample in this study was 30 people who were chosen through total sampling technique. The instrument used was a closed questionnaire distributed through Google form. The results of the research and discussion can be concluded as follows: (1) The classification of facilities and infrastructure with the highest frequency of 18 with the highest relative value of 59.5% shows that the facilities and infrastructure of junior high schools in Sorong City is included in the low category. (2) The classification of active participation of Physical Education, Sports and Health teachers in teacher deliberation (MGMP) by looking at the highest relative frequency of 8 and the highest relative value of 26.67% shows a high category. (3) The classification of the performance of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers by looking at the highest relative value of 17 and the frequency of the frequency value of 56.67% shows a very high category. (4) the classification of the professional competence of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers based on the highest frequency of 11 and the highest relative value of 36.67% shows a high category. Based on these results, it can be concluded that facilities and infrastructure and Physical Education, Sports, and Health teacher deliberation influence each other on performance and professional competence of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers at Junior High Schools in Sorong City with a contribution amount of 55.1%, or it is categorized as low.


Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure, Teacher Deliberation (MGMP), Performance, Professional Competence of Teachers

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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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