1Umi Martuti, 2Abu Dharin
1,2UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-59Google Scholar Download Pdf
In whatever environment we are in either school, home or social environment, character education is very much needed.. The education of human character can also gain glory as creation creature of Allah SWT but the Children Character now of the term popular “Strawberry Generation” is very concern. They are dependenly with the gadget without being able to sort out the god and bad, and they make a strange acting and imitating anything, misconduct immorality, lying etc. This article uses a literature study approach because the autor commented on the concept of the thought of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan trought his book title Tarbiyatul Aulad fil Islam to answer the problem of character education “Strawberry Generation” According to him, the bacic character education in Islam must be based on Al Quran and Al Hadist. Five steps in success of education character habituation, transparency advice, giving attention, and giving punishment. In addition, the character education material that includes the education of faith, morality, physical, intellectual, mental/psychic, social and sex education must be given to children so that they are ready to live a life well. The hole concept is very relevant in answering the issue of “Strawberry Generation”. At that time, the children will face competition with colleagues from various countries around the world. Demand the quality of human resources in the millennium certainly requires good character. However, character is the key individual goal.
KEYWORDS:Character Education, Strawberry Generation, Tarbiyatul Aulad
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023
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