1Ni Made Widani 2Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni 3Made Heny Urmila Dewi 4Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti
1,2,3,4Faculty of Economic and Business, Udayana University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-56
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The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world has an impact on health and other sectors such as education, social culture and the global economy. Tourism, which is used as the locomotive of economic development, is the sector that is most affected, especially in Badung district because it sees people's livelihoods depending on the tourism sector. To improve the economy, the government has made efforts to deal with the phenomena that occur due to the impact of the Covid 19 virus, including by encouraging and motivating state-owned companies (BUMN) to continue to contribute to improving the welfare of the community by remaining consistent and sustainable in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. To correlate the phenomena that occur, especially in the field of funding and assistance through CSR in the tourist village area, and companies in the concept of Community Based Tourism (CBT) and also to grow the community's desire for entrepreneurship in relation to supporting the needs of tourists with a target towards sustainable tourism villages. This paper analyzes the implementation of corporate CSR in the development of sustainable tourism villages in Badung district by upholding the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The analysis was carried out using mixed methods, namely measuring quantitatively and strengthening the measurement results by sharpening the results with qualitative methods in developing and sustainability tourist villages in Badung regency.
KEYWORDS:Corporate Social Responsible, Community Base Tourism, Sustainability
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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