1Adhi Surya, 2Sulastini, 3Syahrial Shaddiq
1,2Faculty of Engineering, Kalimantan Islamic University (UNISKA) Muhammad Arsyad Al BanjariJl.Adhyaksa No. 2, Banjarmasin
3Faculty of Economics & Business, Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Jl. Brigadier General Hasan Basri,Banjarmasin
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-50Google Scholar Download Pdf
The concept of the Development Village Index (IDM) itself is then explained in the Ministry of Village Regulation (Permendes) No. 2 of 2016 concerning patterns and maps of village development development. In article 3 it is stated that the IDM concept is integrated from several categories within it which include: Economic Resilience Index (IKE), Environmental Resilience Index (IKL), and Social Resilience Index (IKS). These three factors are then used as a reference in the process of measuring the level of independence and progress of a village. The set of indicators developed in the Developing Village Index was developed based on the concept that towards an advanced and independent village a sustainable development framework is needed in which social, economic and ecological aspects become forces that complement each other and maintain the potential and ability of the village to prosper village life. Village community development and empowerment policies and activities must produce equity and justice, be based on and strengthen local and cultural values, and be environmentally friendly by managing the potential of natural resources properly and sustainably. In this context, social, economic and ecological resilience work as a dimension that strengthens the process and achievement of village community development and empowerment goals. In the village regulations themselves, Law no. 6 of 2014 has also provided a stimulus and supported the acceleration of the village development agenda (STIT et al., 2018). The thing that becomes the main focus point is the village community as the first subject and who gets attention for the independence of the village community. So that the process of forming an independent village community is expected to have positive implications for village communities and can increase the village development index. The Developing Village Index captures the development of Village independence based on the implementation of the Village Law with the support of Village Funds and Village Facilitators. The Development Village Index directs the accuracy of interventions in policies with the right correlation of development interventions from the Government in accordance with Community participation which correlates with the characteristics of the Village area, namely typology and social capital. To reduce the number of underdeveloped villages and increase the number of independent villages, an important problem that needs to be resolved is poverty. Poverty here has always received more attention from the Indonesian government. This happens because the government has realized the importance of solving the problem of poverty. Failure to resolve this problem will result in the emergence of various social, economic and political problems in society. In the context of village typology, the Developing Village Index classifies villages into five (5) statuses, namely: “(i) Very Underdeveloped Villages; (ii) Disadvantaged Villages; (iii) Developing Villages; (iv) Advanced Village; and (v) Independent Village”. Of the five classifications, now the village statistics already have several divisions that are used as village indicators or parameters. The typology of the distribution of the Development Village Index (IDM) can be divided into several things, such as: “(1) very underdeveloped villages: < 0.491; (2) underdeveloped villages: > 0.491 and < 0.599; (3) developing villages: > 0.599 and < 0.707; (4) developed villages: > 0.707 and < 0.815; and (5) independent villages: > 0.815” (Suroso, 2019). This study uses qualitative analysis with descriptive research methods. The research was conducted to describe the exact nature of the symptoms or signs and then the development of the relationship between the object of research and other social phenomena in the data obtained by means of literature review, through official documents that record the circumstances that occur in an object of research, in the form of magazines, results results of studies, theses, and survey results from various government agencies or not (Novriando & Purnomo, 2020). Case studies in this approach are adopted from Sugiyono's theory (2009) which says that documentation studies are a qualitative method by analyzing documents made by the subject himself or other people. The documentation study itself is a method used by qualitative researchers in obtaining a point of view or description of the object to be studied. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation techniques by collecting data Village Development Study Based on the Developing Village Index in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency IJMRA, Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023 www.ijmra.in Page 4334 using various documents or notes that recorded the state of the research concept in the unit of analysis used as the object of research. Data sources can come from documentation documents from the Village website or the results of previous studies. In terms of data analysis, the author uses narrative analysis to describe a phenomenon and dissect the innovations made by the Village in carrying out IDM-based development. Villages in Bati-Bati District will become the object of research with the research title "Village Development Study Based on IDM (Developing Village Index) in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut District".
KEYWORDSVillage Development and IDM Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency.
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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