1Naufallathuf Yaquttul Irsyad, 2Sulistyono, 3Ali Munir, 4Sudirahman
1,2,3Departement of Sport and Helath Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, INDONESIA.
4Department of Sports Coaching Education, Yogyakarta State University, INDONESIA.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-47Google Scholar Download Pdf
Efforts to improve the basic technique of goalkeepers are a basic component that is very important in supporting the achievements of athletes themselves, one of which is developing Android-based applications. This study aims to develop an application media for basic goalkeeper technique guidelines aged 10-15 years based on Android to make it easier for children to practice independently or coaches can learn good and correct goalkeeper techniques. This research is a Research and Development research. There are several stages carried out in the process of developing this media, namely: Information collection, planning, initial product development, expert validation, small-scale trials, large-scale trials, final product revisions. Subjects of a small-scale trial conducted on 5 coaches and 5 goalkeepers at the SSO real madrid foundation. And large-scale trials were carried out on 10 coaches and 10 goalkeepers at SSB Baturetno, SSB Gelora Muda and SSB 89 Selindung. The instrument used in collecting this development data is in the form of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive statistical analysis technique. The results showed that the application development media for basic goalkeeper technique guidelines aged 10-15 years based on Android is suitable to be used as a reference for student learning and media used by coaches to train. This is shown from the results of assessments that have been carried out by material experts, media experts and field trials. The final results obtained from the study showed that the application of the basic goalkeeper technique guidelines was declared "Eligible" based on the percentage obtained, namely from material experts 81%, media experts 85%, small group trial results 85% and large group trial results 88%.
KEYWORDSDevelopment, Android, Basic Techniques, Goalkeeper, Football.
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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