1Ikhsan Gunadi, 2Bambang Budi Wiyono, 3Imron Arifin, 4Ery Tri Djatmika Rudijanto W.W.
1Education Management Doctoral Program, Universitas Negeri Malang
1,2Faculty of Science Education, Universitas Negeri Malang
1,2Faculty of Economic Education, Universitas Negeri Malang
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
Teamwork in an organization often experiences ups and downs in interpersonal relationships due to ineffective communication-interaction problems. Whereas in addition to leadership issues, organizational effectiveness is also largely determined by the interactions within the organization. Poor interaction-communication is the result of interpersonal ignorance of one another. This study tries to analyze the effectiveness of cooperation based on the machine intelligence owned by each personal organization, where methods like this are relatively not widely known. This study uses an approach that is a combination of qualitative and quantitative in a population of school organizations that consist of one principal and seven teachers. From this study, it was found that (1) relatively small relationship scores exist in four people including the principal as the leader of the organization, and (2) organizational personnel can play the appropriate roles of the five roles based on their machine intelligence. This study concludes that the analyzed school organization has a lot of interaction-communication conflicts, so a personal understanding of each other is needed based on their respective intelligence machines. By understanding machine intelligence, each member of the organization will be able to treat others appropriately both in interaction and communication so that the organization runs effectively.
KEYWORDS:Effectiveness, Teamwork Management, Intelligence Machine
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