Chinze, Benedict
Department of Economics, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
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The research on the importance of Social Media Marketing in small and medium-sized laundry companies in Port Harcourt was conducted to find out how profit, customer base, and customer complaints are impacted by social media marketing. The study used purposive sampling technique, and survey approach through questionnaires to generate primary data from the 198 respondents. The study found that there is a positive and significant relationship between profitability, customer base, and customer complaints resolution. This implies that with consistent and improved social media marketing by the SMEs in the laundry business, their profits and customer base will improve. The study concluded that SMEs could benefit from SMM. It is recommended that SMEs should improve their social media marketing using various methods as this will increase their customer base, profitability, and faster customer complaints resolution.
KEYWORDS:social media, customer complaints, laundry, SMEs, Profitability
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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