Mary Olubunmi Adebayo
Baptist College of Theology, Lagos
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Teachers are essential stakeholder that cannot be downplayed in education. As important as they are, their behaviour is so contagious that it can mar or help student learning. Teacher’s behaviour is a function of the characteristics of the teacher, his environment and the task in which the teacher engages. Teacher’s behaviour could be respect, relational, integrity, trust, enthusiasm among others. However, teacher’s behaviour that hinders learning are - Resistance to change, absenteeism, unpreparedness for class, inability to meet student needs. Moreover, teacher cannot just decide to misbehave for no just cause, there must have been underline factors responsible for teacher’s misbehaviour. Therefore, factors responsible for teacher’s misbehaviour are – Poor incentive, wrong conception of teaching profession, economic regression, non-inclusive of students’ diversity and culture, work related stress. The aforementioned thus, have implications on students learning. Teacher’s misbehaviour does encourage fall in morality, low self- esteem, increase in examination malpractice and so on. It is therefore, expected of the teachers to develop an appropriate behaviour such as optimistic, emotional intelligence skill, commitment to work and building positive relationship. In addition, the government and the school owners should establish and disseminate a code of conduct for teachers that will guide their behaviour, monitor teachers physically (inspection) and through technological gadget (CCTV camera); provide support for teachers at all levels (financially, academically, morally) to avoid misbehaviour.
KEYWORDS:Teacher’s Behaviour, Motivation.
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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