1Pifa A. Lakapu, 2Jean Imaniar Djara, 3Rince S. M Benu, 4Dyen E. Lakapu, 5Dian Sidiarna Nenoliu
1,2,4,5Soe Education Institute, Soe
3San Pedro University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i9-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study discusses the efforts of teachers in managing reading corners for students fostering interest in reading for fifth grade students at GMIT Fatumnasi Elementary School. This study uses a qualitative research design, namely where the researcher plays a direct role as planner, implementation, data collection, analyzing data and at the same time reporting data. Data collection is done by observation, direct interview techniques and documentation. Researchers found that the teacher's efforts in utilizing reading corners to foster interest read students namely, (1). Encourage children to tell about what happened he read, (2). Exchange books with friends, (3). Provide interesting books read students, (4). Provide reading time, and (5). Give gifts. The obstacle in fostering students' interest in reading is the minimum classrooms, lack of variety of books or limited books and there are students who don't like to read. As for overcoming these obstacles is to make neat and beautiful reading corner decoration, suggesting that the school raise it library budget, and provide motivation and support. Results of research this means that the existence of a reading corner makes students feel happy and more active in reading.
KEYWORDS:Interest in Learning, Literacy, Reading Corner
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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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